My blog to try to take a picture every day for 365 days long. They say at the begining it is easy but it gets ruff allong the way. Stay tuned.

zaterdag 7 juli 2012

Day 349 of the 365 days

It has been a day at the house so I only went outside in the garden. 
So I played with one rose and the late light.
Greetings, stay healthy and take good care of each other,
(picture made on 07-07-2012 at 22:49 hour)

6 opmerkingen:

Anoniem zei

Great picture and wonderful flower.

Doniene zei

An interesting perspective - so detailed, intricate, fragile looking!

Anoniem zei

A very beautiful rose, amazing detail, they must grow well in your garden.

Joanne zei

Nature is incredible - such a beautiful colour too.

Raewyn zei

Gorgeous photo; beautiful detail. The light is great on it.

Sharon zei
