My blog to try to take a picture every day for 365 days long. They say at the begining it is easy but it gets ruff allong the way. Stay tuned.

zondag 15 juli 2012

Day 357 of the 365 days

This is our jar with the gold we want.
Greetings, stay healthy and take good care of each other,
(picture taken on 07-15-2012 at 20:30 hour)

4 opmerkingen:

Ann's ~ 'a photo a day for 100 days' zei

Oh I LOVE Werther's!!

Lucy zei

Ben niet zo snoeperig. Dan ga ik meer voor drop :-)

Anoniem zei

May I have one... pleaaaaaaase ! ;-)

Raewyn zei

I love these too!!