My blog to try to take a picture every day for 365 days long. They say at the begining it is easy but it gets ruff allong the way. Stay tuned.

zaterdag 14 april 2012

Day 265 of the 365 days

Still had to take a picture of the wedding rings for the book. Today I did.
Greetings, stay healthy and take good care of each other,
(picture taken on 04-14-2012 at 15:22 hour)

3 opmerkingen:

Lucy zei

aparte foto zeg. hoe heb je dat gedaan?

Anoniem zei

I agree with Lucy: great picture. And if you would like to share your secret, I'm interested.

Sharon zei

This is such a great effect. I have not seen it done with double hearts before. Great photo!